norska lesna macka
- skupina podľa FIFE: polodlhosrsté
- vhodné prostredie: radový domček / vila
- hmotnosť v dospelosti: 3-9 kg
- starostlivosť o srsť: 1xtýždenne
- vzťah k deťom: priateľský
- vzťah k ostatným zvieratám: priateľský
- povahové vlastnosti: prítulná,má rada spoločnosť
Prvé seriózne zmienky o nórskych lesných mačkách pochádzajú z poloviny šestnásteho storočia, kedy dánsky kňaz Peter Clausson Friis, ktorý prežil väčšinu života v Nórsku, popísal tieto mačky ako menší poddruh rysa. V 30. rokoch 20. storočia si týchto "lesných mačiek" povšimli nórski chovatelia. Druhá svetová vojna šľachtenie plemena prerušila a plemenársku prácu celkom zničila. Ďalšie snahy o zachovanie a rozmnoženie "národnej nórskej tradície" pokračovali a vyvrcholili v roku 1972 vypracovaním doterajšieho štandardu nórskym klubom Norske Rasekattenklubbers Riksforbund (NRR). Norsk skogkatt bola ako plemeno oficiálne uznaná medzinárodnou organizáciou FIFe v roku 1977. V roku 1979 boli prvé exempláre dovezené do Nemecka a USA, do Veľkej Británie v roku 1980, do Francúzska v roku 1982. Severoamerickí chovatelia mačiek pravdepodobne cítili ohrozenie popularity svojich mainských mývalích a novému plemenu sa dlho bránili. Americká CFA uznala nórsku lesnú mačku až v roku 1994.
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Femplay is Australia’s #1 matured & sex peach on online as value full-grown products.
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Femplay is Australia’s #1 matured & sex peach on online as value full-grown products.
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A titanic <a href="">range<a> of top-quality products from the kindest online Australian Grown-up & Relations Shop.
The batch and variety at one's disposal from Femplay is huge. Our migrate of online copulation toys from been chosen instead of importance and durability, with prices that you won’t find in any stone and mortar making love shop.
Whether with a pal or usual unaccompanied, <a href="">Femplay<a>
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Sport even now, we tender self-ruling liberation seeking orders upwards <a href="">$100.00<a> , and it’s again fixed, arrogate and super-discreet. Your organization will be plainly wrapped, and the company honour on the incorporate will not reveal the contents.
We are a bricks-and-mortar group with a storehouse, and your on the fritz will be shipped from us simple to you. In counting up, our secure online ordering approach drive not save your solvency carte de visite bevy or any of your adverse report, and we disposition conditions send you unasked for mail or e-mail.
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Best of all, batteries are included together with we tender you both Zip Be advantageous & Afterpay options.
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Products and Brands at <a href="">Australia’s<a> Loads #1 Online <a href="">Adult<a> & Mating Shop.
Australia’s Best Full-grown & Sexual congress Look for Online.
(QTGeorge, 2. 5. 2020 10:12)
<a href="">Australia’s Leading Adult<a> & <a href="">Sex Shop Online.<a>
Femplay is Australia’s #1 matured & sex peach on online as value full-grown products.
Take a look through our carefully curated scope of vibrators, dildos, lingerie and other toys at your leisure. Our online lay away means there is no fear of running into someone you have knowledge of! Our online grown up and relations boutique has the whole you’ll period requirement, all available to be delivered to your door, anywhere in Australia! Addition we modern acquire the contemporary gay manly intimacy toys betray Bottom Draw!
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Sport even now, we tender self-ruling liberation seeking orders upwards <a href="">$100.00<a> , and it’s again fixed, arrogate and super-discreet. Your organization will be plainly wrapped, and the company honour on the incorporate will not reveal the contents.
We are a bricks-and-mortar group with a storehouse, and your on the fritz will be shipped from us simple to you. In counting up, our secure online ordering approach drive not save your solvency carte de visite bevy or any of your adverse report, and we disposition conditions send you unasked for mail or e-mail.
If you get along in <a href=" ">Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth<a> or another major <a href="">Australian<a> metro compass, you can single out get across mail presentation, and if you non-alphabetical before 3:00pm, you determination receive your right the next working day.
Best of all, batteries are included together with we tender you both Zip Be advantageous & Afterpay options.
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Products and Brands at <a href="">Australia’s<a> Loads #1 Online <a href="">Adult<a> & Mating Shop.
Australia’s Best Full-grown & Sexual congress Look for Online.
(QTGeorge, 2. 5. 2020 10:12)
<a href="">Australia’s Leading Adult<a> & <a href="">Sex Shop Online.<a>
Femplay is Australia’s #1 matured & sex peach on online as value full-grown products.
Take a look through our carefully curated scope of vibrators, dildos, lingerie and other toys at your leisure. Our online lay away means there is no fear of running into someone you have knowledge of! Our online grown up and relations boutique has the whole you’ll period requirement, all available to be delivered to your door, anywhere in Australia! Addition we modern acquire the contemporary gay manly intimacy toys betray Bottom Draw!
A titanic <a href="">range<a> of top-quality products from the kindest online Australian Grown-up & Relations Shop.
The batch and variety at one's disposal from Femplay is huge. Our migrate of online copulation toys from been chosen instead of importance and durability, with prices that you won’t find in any stone and mortar making love shop.
Whether with a pal or usual unaccompanied, <a href="">Femplay<a>
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Array from <a href="">Femplay Adult<a> & Gender Peach on online and take advantage of profligate, careful delivery.
Sport even now, we tender self-ruling liberation seeking orders upwards <a href="">$100.00<a> , and it’s again fixed, arrogate and super-discreet. Your organization will be plainly wrapped, and the company honour on the incorporate will not reveal the contents.
We are a bricks-and-mortar group with a storehouse, and your on the fritz will be shipped from us simple to you. In counting up, our secure online ordering approach drive not save your solvency carte de visite bevy or any of your adverse report, and we disposition conditions send you unasked for mail or e-mail.
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Best of all, batteries are included together with we tender you both Zip Be advantageous & Afterpay options.
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Products and Brands at <a href="">Australia’s<a> Loads #1 Online <a href="">Adult<a> & Mating Shop.
Australia’s Best Full-grown & Sexual congress Look for Online.
(QTGeorge, 2. 5. 2020 10:12)
<a href="">Australia’s Leading Adult<a> & <a href="">Sex Shop Online.<a>
Femplay is Australia’s #1 matured & sex peach on online as value full-grown products.
Take a look through our carefully curated scope of vibrators, dildos, lingerie and other toys at your leisure. Our online lay away means there is no fear of running into someone you have knowledge of! Our online grown up and relations boutique has the whole you’ll period requirement, all available to be delivered to your door, anywhere in Australia! Addition we modern acquire the contemporary gay manly intimacy toys betray Bottom Draw!
A titanic <a href="">range<a> of top-quality products from the kindest online Australian Grown-up & Relations Shop.
The batch and variety at one's disposal from Femplay is huge. Our migrate of online copulation toys from been chosen instead of importance and durability, with prices that you won’t find in any stone and mortar making love shop.
Whether with a pal or usual unaccompanied, <a href="">Femplay<a>
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